Hey Mama, Let's Move!
Whether you're newly pregnant, newly postpartum, or anywhere in between, I'd love to work with you on your health and fitness goals.
Why I work with Mamas?
I've been a certified health + nutrition coach and wellness writer and influencer for many years, but it wasn't until I became pregnant that I realized the importance of mental, physical and emotional health every step of the way.
How it went down for me
Not gonna sugar coat it, pregnancy was not a walk in the park for me, there were maybe two days where I felt that rumored “glow”. Sure, I got pregnant quickly and was extremely grateful for that, but I was a mental wreck-- overworked, anxiety-ridden and overwhelmed with information on what I should and shouldn't do to grow a healthy baby. Then, after what I now lovingly refer to as my "birth adventure" and recovery period, I felt like I'd been sent home with only a Google search bar and some witch hazel pads to help me survive.
This is when I upped my self care: I tapped back in to nutrition, movement and meditation, and these things became my life line. I got my body back, I got my mental health in check and I re-optimized my diet. Now, I want to support other Moms to do the same.
Here's the scary truth...
Most doctors and OBGYN's aren't experts in understanding the whole body. Strange but true. They are great at avoiding major risks, playing it safe and getting babies out of bellies, end of story. But there’s so much more to it! Further, new moms generally have ONE visit postpartum, which only covers the nitty gritty: 1) how's it going “down there”? 2) Are you depressed? What the heck is up with that? I had a lot questions and after talking to countless Mom’s I realized that they did too, like, how do I avoid complete depletion as a new mom? How do I eat and what can I eat for breastfeeding? What about postpartum anxiety? When and how can I move my body again? What solids do I feed my baby?
That's where I can help! I'm currently offering pre and postnatal yoga classes and can also support you in getting your diet and overall wellness back on track!
Prenatal Yoga
I love teaching mamas-to-be! I focus on strength and endurance mixed with ease and flow to get you tuned in to your new, growing body and help you prepare for all of the wonderful events that lie ahead. We’ll do dynamic movement, lots of juicy hip work and a nice flow to safely get the heart pumping and blood moving.
Currently teaching Thursdays at Then Comes Baby from 6:30-7:45. Check the site for availability, these fill up so book in advance!
Also offering private prenatal sessions to focus on problem areas or for more advanced pelvic issues. Rate- $100/hr.
Want to get a group together for prenatal or postnatal yoga or offer a class at your office? Let me know and we’ll make it happen!
Please reach out for more details on Postpartum Health Coaching as well.
Mom and Baby Yoga
Currently teaching Thursdays from 12:30-1:45 at Then Comes Baby in Oakland, CA. Drop-ins welcome.
200hr YTT from Drishti Yoga International
65 hr Perinatal Training with Bliss Baby Yoga + Additional Anatomy Modules
25 hrs additional class observation for perinatal with top Bay Area teachers